Jum`at , 14 Maret 2025


adalah produk probiotik yang berperan penting dalam fungsi pencernaan, system kekebalan dan kesehatan dasar kolam.
kandungan yang terdapat pada BIOLACTo : Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus bulgarius, Lactobacillus latus, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus brevis, MBP substances 125 unit.

Harga : Rp.580.000
Belum Termasuk ongkos kirim

Contact Us
Abdul Hakim
Hp/Wa 082115008887
Item Reviewed: BIOLACTO 9 out of 10 based on 10 ratings. 9 user reviews.

Isinya berapaan tu pak..par sacet atau per kotak pak...

maaf sebelumny. mau tanya pak. ada kemasan yg isiny di bawah 500 grm gak ya?? trmksh.

Barang sudah sampai, packing sangat rapi, barang sesuai deskripsi seller dan seller cukup ramah, terima kasih

Sir ,can you please give me details of the product and how can I get it in India ?Thanks

I prashant from india .sir how can I get this product in india.

मै इंडिया से हूँ क्या biolacto MB-Pro 1 kg मिल सकता है

ada probiotik tepung untuk ikan mas? klau ada harap wa ke 081382979870

Preciso desse produto mas não sei se encontro aqui no Brasil , favor entrar em contato tenho muito interesse nesse probiótico!

dimana saya bisa membeli produk anda ?

hello, can you send this product to Cambodia?

I want 1 kg of biolacto mb pro in India

How to buy and ship to Egypt??

Can I get the biolacto in Cambodia?

Emoticon? nyengir

Berkomentarlah dengan Bahasa yang Relevan dan Sopan.. #ThinkHIGH! ^_^

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